Benchmark is a pretty straight forward application. Follow these simple instructions:
1.) Load the app on your computer. Run the test.
2.) Load the app on a friend's computer. Run the test.
3.) Smear your superior rating in your apponent's face, or, be prepare to be smeared if your stats
don't measure up!
Duration of test can be modified by changing the "STR " resource from it's default of 10 with ResEdit. Longer durations yield more accurate results.
Use of math coprocessor (FPU) ╤ If an FPU is detected, it will be taken into full use. There is no disabling option. If you have an FPU, you have a major advantage over your apponents w/out FPU's. You paid the extra money for an FPU, right (or maybe not╔ eh)?
Starting up with the shift key down (disabling all extensions) will increase scores. Use this to your advantage! =)
Actual results:
Macintosh Quadra 610 w/FPU ╤ 25,032 operations/sec
Macintosh Quadra 610 ╤ 11,067 operations/sec
Macintosh SE ╤ 390 operations/sec
P.S.S. for the FutureBasic source leave mail on SuperMac (619-482-9606) to Randy McAnally.